We've ALL seen it. That one girl who walks around looking like a man with flip flops, baggy shorts, a cutoff tshirt cut all the way down the sides, and to top this oh so fashionable look off? A bright, neon sports bra. Ladies...this is NOT a cute look. Even when worn with your cutest pair of butt-hugging jeans this ensemble is still a no go. Plain and simple this is TRASHY.
We asked our panel of Fenice Men what they thought about this look and nine out of ten agreed. One even went so far as to mention, "You wouldn't wear your bra in public...just because it has 'sport' before it doesn't matter. Bra is still in the name."
*We would also like to mention that the one guy who said "yeah, go for it!" dresses the male equivalent of this look. In fact when we gathered the guys to ask them about this he walked in the door wearing mid calf tyedye socks, ratty tennies, basketball shorts, and...you guessed it...a FRESHLY cut shirt. Right down the sides.
(Maybe we'll do a makeover and write a post about it ;] OOO spoiler alert)
Now we understand there are exceptions. Perhaps bedtime or maybe a workout? But we draw the line there. This look will NEVER be cute.
However if you're really itching to try this look why don't you go for a sexier approach? A black bra under a slightly see through shirt is mysterious and a bandeau under a vneck is very cute.
Oh and by the way? No cheating. Unless you're going for a swim don't you dare wear your swimsuit top under your shirt to school. Just as trashy ladies. Not to mention neon sports bras under a burnout shirt. (Our other pet peeve.)
It's all the same concept girls. Use your head! Make good choices and post your alternative options to our facebook page! Search for Fenice! We would LOOOOVEEE to see your cuter options!
TaTa for now
The Fenice Girls