One of our models Sydney Franz agreed to take time out of her oh so busy social life(
lol not)and do a little interview after today's photoshoot. do you like being a model for Fenice?
It's fun to put on a bunch of clothes and take a bunch of pictures. We used to do it for fun but it's nice to actually have a purpose for doing it.
Have you ever modeled before?
Yeah when I was younger I was in a couple photoshoots and did runway work for my uncles bridal company. I was in a magazine.
Woah! So cool!
Do you practice in the mirror or does someone tell you what to do on site? How does it all go down?
Haha no I don't practice in the mirror, but my friends and I take photos of ourselves when we are bored so I guess that counts as practice? Haha. And when I'm on site, mitchel or jenny will tell me if something is weird or awkward, if it's working or not, which way to look etc. But most of the time I just stand there haha.
What do you think about when you're modeling?
I really don't think about anything I just kinda go out there and try to show off the clothes as best as possible without being awkward, which is actually extremely hard to do haha.
So you're not thinking about anyone special while modeling? No boyfriend or anything?
Hahaha, no I don't. Boys are distracting, they have cooties obviously.
Haha so it's all work and no play for you?
*awkward laughter* well...I wouldn't exactly call this work. It's really just play, I'm just with my friends having a good time taking pictures.
Sounds like a fun job!
Hahaha no, I don't get paid. Sometimes I get dinner...but that's about it.
(haha sorry syd...maybe someday ;])
So are you considering this as a possible career?
HAH! No not at all. They're already talking about hiring models.
Yeah...but we mean it good heartedly
Yeah, I know. So, it's getting late and you're my ride...can I go home now?
Haha I guess. That's all for now folks. Don't forget to follow Sydney on twitter at and reblog all sorts of pictures of her and jenni on tumblr.
Xoxo the fenice girls